Ring Power Multiplier (RPM) - A Distributed Grid Energy Storage Technology

The RPM is a power conditioning and energy storage device. The RPM conditions 60Hz AC power by protecting against transients, surges, and load sags, and by isolating dirty loads or sources. The RPM protects against power outages lasting seconds to minutes depending on the RPM design and application.

The RPM stores AC energy in the form of a ring of traveling electromagnetic waves that can be tapped instantaneously as constant amplitude and frequency, with 60 Hz AC energy available to fluctuating loads. The electromagnetic ring isolates the load from the source by instantaneously buffering against changing voltage, current, and phase.

- Source, Texzon Website

A system that can integrate with existing technologies and can act as a "shock absorber" or "elastic reservoir" is the Ring Power Multiplier (RPM). The RPM can:

  • Store AC power as AC power, the first true AC battery. The energy is stored as a real-power traveling-wave with voltage and current in phase at 60Hz.
  • Offer instantaneous (a fraction of a cycle to a few hundred cycles at room temperature) response to disturbances and interuptions and at the same time continuous power protection at constant voltage, frequency, and amplitude.
  • Can have virtually no losses, less than 2% for room temperature operation and less than 0.1% for cryogenic operation.
  • Have virtually limitless charge and discharge cycles because there are no chemical changes or moving parts.
  • Be deployable at site, distribution or transmission level.
  • Be highly scalable from 100's of kW to 100's of MW and higher power levels up to GW.
  • Be used in-line, continuously providing "in-line" power conditioning and stability.
  • Be charged either rapidly or slowly from multiple energy sources or "green" sources.
  • In its cryogenic form, store energy for tens of minutes to tens of hours, and in superconducting form from days to weeks.
In addition to its AC battery capabilities, the RPM can also be used to near losslessly combine multiple sources (generators,batteries, flywheels super-capacitors etc) and grid providers, overcoming the limitations of existing high frequency switching electronic converters for power levels between 2MW and 100's of MW and above.

Massive paralleling of hundreds of battery/inverter, flywheel/inverter, super-capacitor/inverter units is very straightforward with the RPM to achieve either 100's of MW (higher power outputs at a fixed discharge time), or longer discharge times at a fixed power output compared to a single storage/inverter unit.
Subcomponents used in building the RPM can be configured to provide a high degree of load isolation for generators, providing the equivalent of instantaneous and continuous power factor correction, and allowing expansion of auxiliary power generation capacity from the present 20% over baseload limitation to several times that level without causing grid instability.

The Rest @ RingPower


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