Hydrogen-HCNG Car from Norway

FYK is a Norwegian sports car designed to run on a blend of hydrogen and natural gas. It was developed by a Norwegian company named Aetek and received backing from Statoil, the largest petroleum company in the Nordic countries and Norway's largest company in all categories.
FYK was launched in 2006 as a technology demonstrator and there are currently no plans on putting it into series production.
FYK was launched in august 2006, at the same time as Statoil opened up the first filling station in Norway for hydrogen, Natural Hy and natural gas.
- This filling station can be found in Forus, Stavanger. F
- YK is powered on NaturalHy (HCNG), a blend consisting of 8-20% hydrogen and 92-80% compressed natural gas.
- The car is built almost entirely in aluminium in order to reduce weight and the car is fitted with cutting edge wireless communications solutions from Norway.
- Not only body and chassis, but suspension, motor, wheels and the entire has been made from recyclable aluminium and exterior as well as interior is formidable display of various aluminium-shaping techniques and surface treatments.
- Critics has put forward that just like gasoline, natural gas is a fossil fuel that contributes to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Natural gas is found in oil fields, natural gas fields and coal beds. (There is another type of methane-rich gas that can be produced by non-fossil organic materials as they decay, but this type of gas is commonly referred to as biogas, not natural gas.)
According to Statoil and Aetec, FYK should however only be seen as the first step towards future hydrogen powered cars. Aetec, the company behind the ground-breaking FYK is a Norwegian design- and prototype development company focused on the development of environmentally friendly concepts for the transport sector.
According to Aetec, they wish to combine environmentally friendly designs with excitement, and it therefore comes as no surprise that they are behind innovative creations like a hydrogen/natural gas powered sports car.
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