37 Requests for Proposals or Grants For Green Stimulus Money
These come from a NCSU Solicitations Newsletter
The RFPs created or supplemented as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) are identified in the RFP titles.
The Recovery homepage (http://www.recovery.gov/) has links to State-level Recovery sites where you may be able to track down some sub-grantee opportunities. Washington State’s Recovery site does an outstanding job showing where WA Recovery funds are going and who to contact for more info. Here’s a link to all of the State sites: http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/state-recovery-page.
1) Renewables and Energy Efficiency Improvements
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements. This program will provide support to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements. $51.6 million expected to be available, up to 1,100 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/31/09. For more info, including Regional contacts, go to: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-12178.pdf. Refer to Sol# RDBCP-09-REAP-RES-EEI. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
2) Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for Renewable Energy Feasibility Grants. This program will provide support to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to conduct feasibility studies for renewable energy systems. $6 million expected to be available, up to 150 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/31/09. For more info, including state specific contacts, go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?oppId=47628&mode=VIEW. Refer to Sol# RDBCP-09-REAP-FEASIBILITY. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
3) High Penetration Solar Deployment – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for High Penetration Solar Deployment. The objectives of this RFP are to: 1) Develop the needed modeling tools and database of experience with high penetration scenarios of PV on a distribution system, 2) Develop monitoring, control and integration systems to enable cost-effective widespread deployment of small modular PV systems, and 3) Demonstrate the integration of PV and energy storage into Smart Grid applications. $17.5 million expected to be available, up to 13 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/30/09. For more info, contact Andrea Lucero at Andrea.Lucero@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47579. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000085. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
4) Solar Market Transformation - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Solar Market Transformation. The overall goal of this initiative is to increase the quality and availability of instruction relating to the installation of PV and solar heating and cooling systems (SHC). Areas of interest include: 1) Addressing workforce development needs of the solar industry, both for grid-tied PV systems in residential, commercial, and utility markets, and for SHC systems. 2) For Solar America Cities (designated via DOE RFPs in FY07 and FY08) to scale-up innovative programs and concepts so they can be tested in a broader marketplace, and increase likelihood of replication in other U.S. cities. $20 million expected to be available, up to 31 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/30/09. For more info, contact Nancy Kiyota at nancy.kiyota@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47586. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000078. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
5) Smart Grid Interoperability Standards and Harmonization Effort
The U. S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology announces its intent to request proposals for Support of Smart Grid Interoperability Standards and Harmonization Effort. Work will support NIST in coordinating the development and harmonization of standards to enable widespread deployment of an interoperable and secure Smart Grid (SG). As part of this requirement, the Contractor will be required to engage all relevant SG stakeholders to ensure credible results. The RFP will be posted on or about 6/20/09. For more info, contact Joseph Widdup at joseph.widdup@nist.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=5b6e4ec676429e89839caded727c4848&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# SB1341-09-RP-0070. (FBO 6/5/09)
6) Wind Energy Consortia – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Wind Energy Consortia between Institutions of Higher Learning and Industry. Areas of intrest include 1) Partnerships for Wind Research and Turbine Reliability, and 2) Wind Energy Research Development. $24 million expected to be available, up to 2 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/29/09. For more info, contact Sara Wilson at sara.wilson@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47732. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000090. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
7) Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Consortia
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Initiative Supporting Consortium. The intent of this initiative is to establish a Supporting Consortium (SC) representing commercial building design, equipment, operation, finance, and other groups. The main goal of the SC is to collect information on current and next generation technologies for individual components and systems to provide a knowledge base of information to industry in supporting DOE’s goal of establishing net-zero energy performance for all U.S. commercial buildings by 2050. $1 million expected to be available, 1 award anticipated. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Richard Rogus at rogus@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47706. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000105. (Grants.gov 6/1/09)
8)Ground Source Heat Pumps – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Geothermal Technologies Program: Ground Source Heat Pumps. Through this RFP, DOE seeks to increase the deployment of ground source heat pumps through new commercialization strategies that incorporate: 1) Innovative commercial-scale or residential community technology demonstration projects; 2) Data gathering and analysis related to system costs, performance, and installation techniques; and 3) A national GHP certification standard. $50 million expected to be available, up to 21 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/6/09. For more info, contact Genevieve Wozniak at genevieve.wozniak@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47731. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000116. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
9) Geothermal Technologies - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Geothermal Technologies Program for geothermal systems research, exploration, demonstration, and development. Areas of interest include: 1) Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies, 2) Geothermal Energy Production from Low Temperature Resources, Co-produced Fluids from Oil and Gas Wells, and Geopressured Resources, and 3) Geothermal Data Development, Collection, and Maintenance. $170 million expected to be available, up to 60 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/22/09. For more info, contact Genevieve Wozniak at genevieve.wozniak@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47584. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000109. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
10) Geothermal - CA
The Naval Air Warfare Center announces its intent to request proposal for geothermal investigations at China Lake, CA. The RFP will be issued on or about 6/22/09, responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Sue Casey at sue.casey@navy or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=63f04b8b682a086a0c1592e216fe2a53&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# N6893609R0076. (FBO 6/7/09)
11) Energy Efficient ICT – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Energy Efficient Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Through this RFP, DOE seeks the development of new technologies to dramatically improve energy efficiency in ICT systems with an the emphasis on new technologies that can be commercialized within the next 3 - 5 five years, and to demonstrate through field testing highly energy efficient, emerging technologies that are ready for or are in the initial stage of commercial introduction. $50 million expected to be available, up to 15 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/21/09. For more info, contact Michael Schledorn at michael.schledorn@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47742. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000107. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
12) Industrial Energy Efficiency – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Deployment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems, District Energy Systems, Waste Energy Recovery Systems, and Efficient Industrial Equipment. This RFP will enable deployment of industrial technologies that provide 25% or greater improvement in energy efficiency over the currently-utilized equipment. The amount of funding available and number of awards anticipated not available at the time of this writing. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Debra Ball at ball@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47763. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000044. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
13) Industrial Energy Efficiency Grand Challenge
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Grand Challenge. This RFP will support the development of transformational industrial processes and technologies that reduce the energy intensity or greenhouse gas emissions of the system by a minimum of 25 percent while providing a return on investment of 10 percent or greater. $15 million expected to be available, up to 50 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Michael Schledorn at michael.schledorn@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47812. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000113. (Grants.gov 6/4/09)
14) Combined Heat and Power
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Combined Heat and Power Systems Technology Development and Demonstration. Areas of interest include: 1) Large CHP Systems - less than or equal to 20 MW, 2) Medium - less than or equal to 1MW to less than 20 MW, and 3) Small - less than or equal to 5kW to less than 1 MW. Demonstrations should be aimed at accelerating the project development process through collaborative partnerships with key industry partners. $40 million expected to be available, up to 30 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/7/09. For more info, contact Juliana Heynes at heynes@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47858. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000016. (Grants.gov 6/8/09)
15) Demonstration of Integrated Biorefinery Operations - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Demonstration of Integrated Biorefinery Operations. Through this RFP, DOE will select integrated biorefinery projects that have the necessary technical and economic performance data that validates their readiness for the next level of scale-up. $480 million expected to be available, up to 15 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/30/09. For more info, contact Hank Eggink at hank.eggink@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47227. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000096. (Grants.gov 5/6/09)
16) Biomass Plant - Texas
The U.S. Department of the Air Force announces its intent to seek a power purchase agreement for renewable energy from a biomass energy plant. This plant will be contractor funded, designed, constructed, operated and maintained on Dyess Air Force Base, TX, under a utility service contract. The facility will be fueled from municipal solid waste and/or biomass. The minimum size plant contemplated is 2 MW. The RFP will be issued on or about 7/15/09. For more info, contact Ronald Miller at ronald.miller@dyess.af.mil or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=1c3f01b261114a0bc1f5b01bc76e51ae&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# Dyess-Biomass-Plant-09-0001. (FBO 5/29/09)
17) Efficient Trucks and Light Duty Vehicles – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Systems Level Technology Development, Integration, and Demonstration for Efficient Class 8 Trucks and Advanced Technology Powertrains for Light-Duty Vehicles. Through this RFP, DOE seeks the development and demonstration of a 50% improvement in overall freight efficiency on a heavy-duty Class 8 tractor-trailer measured in ton-miles per gallon, and to accelerate the development of cost-competitive engine and powertrain systems for light-duty vehicles capable of attaining breakthrough thermal efficiencies while meeting future emissions standards. $240 million expected to be available, up to 11 awards anticipated. Responses due 9/9/09. For more info, contact Meghaan Hampton at Meghaan.Hampton@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47867. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000079. (Grants.gov 6/9/09)
18) Innovative Transportation - California
The California Energy Commission requests proposals for the Energy Innovations Small Grant Transportation Program. Areas of interest include Vehicle Technologies, and Transportation Systems. Individual hardware projects NTE $95K, modeling projects NTE $50K. Responses due 7/23/09. For more info, go to: http://www.energy.ca.gov/contracts/smallgrant/index.html. Refer to Sol# 09-01T.
19) DOD PV
The U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Distribution Depot San Joaquin, Tracy, California, seeks a10-year photovoltaic solar power purchase agreement. Total contract quantity is 12,200,000 kWh. Responses due 7/28/09. For more info, contact Tuan Trau at Tuan.Trau@dla.mil or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=2a4f69cdef755b0e5bf4c869006e5f71&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# SP0600-09-R-0402. (FBO 6/12/09)
20) GSA - RECs
The U.S. General Services Administration requests proposals for renewable energy certificates (RECs) for GSA Regions and other Federal agencies to comply with Federal requirements. GSA seeks pricing for a total of 150,000 to 400,000 MWhs of RECs produced from renewable resources that became operational after January 1, 1999. Responses due 7/9/09. For more info, contact Ken Shutika at ken.shutika@gsa.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c73825a34796eba1c2e2037477717f7c&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# GS-00P-09-BSD-0682. (FBO 6/5/09)
21) PV Federal Prisons Industries
Federal Prison Industries seeks Integrator and Financing Services for Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Systems, for work to include, but not limited to, the design, construction, supplies and financing for Turnkey photovoltaic systems, or any part or component thereof. Responses due 7/6/09. For more info, contact Staci Card at scard@central.unicor.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=a5f389aa6170a4a5c515c244bc545363&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# EP2557-09. (FBO 6/3/09)
22) PV- Montana
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks service to provide all equipment, labor, and material required to install a grid tied 20KW Nominal Photovoltaic System at the Ennis National Fish Hatchery, located in SW Montana. Responses due 7/10/09. For more info, contact Jon Morse at jon_morse@fws.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=34692b4f5b4d570869ed8ca647ac230c&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# 60181RR003. (FBO 5/29/09)
23) PV- Montana
The Western Montana Acquisition Zone seeks a contract for solar systems to generate power at the Missoula Technology Development Center and the Aerial Fire Depot, located in Missoula, MT. Responses due 7/1/09. For more info, contact Dale Reckley at dreckley@fs.fed.us or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=331b7d43436c3b7491b93290dfd4780b&tab=core&_cview=. Refer to Sol# AG-03R6-S-09-0076. (FBO 5/29/09)
24) Renewables - California
The Marin Energy Authority seeks 170 MW of renewable energy resources. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Jamie Tuckey at jtuckey@co.marin.ca.us or go to: http://www.marinenergyauthority.org/. (Green Power Network 5/12/09)
25) Global Climate Change Education
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) requests applications for Global Climate Change Education (GCCE): Research Experience, Teaching and Learning. Each funded proposal is expected to make use of NASA’s unique contributions in climate science to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage their students. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 1) Global Climate Change Science Research Experiences for Undergraduate or Community College Students, and 2) Improving Teacher Competency for Global Climate Change Education. $8 million expected to be available, up to 25 awards anticipated. Notice of Intent to apply due 7/2/09, final proposals due 8/3/09. For more info, contact Lin Chambers at gcce-questions@lists.nasa.gov or go to: http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={6950C5E7-9903-AFEA-2AB0-A839C6F510B4}&path=open. Refer to Sol# NNL09ZB1005C. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
26) Carbon Capture and Sequestration – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use. The industrial sources include, but are not limited to, cement plants, chemical plants, refineries, steel and aluminum plants, manufacturing facilities, and power plants using fuels such as petroleum coke and municipal waste. $1.421 billion expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/7/09. For more info, contact Raymond Johnson at johnson@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47854. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000015. (Grants.gov 6/8/09)
27) Regional Sequestration Technology Training – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Regional Sequestration Technology Training. This initiative will support the development of regional training that facilitates transfer of knowledge and technologies required for site development, operations, and monitoring of CCS technologies. $6.970 million expected to be available, up to 7 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/22/09. For more info, contact Michael DeStefano at Michael.DeStefano@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47720. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000080. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Small Business Innovation Research Program – Phase I. SBIR supports U.S. owned, small business R&D projects that address important problems facing American agriculture and have the potential to lead to significant public benefit if the research is successful. Research areas include, but are not limited to: Biofuels and Biobased Products; Air, Water, and Soils; Rural Development; Aquaculture; and Animal Manure Management. $18.5 million expected to be available, individual awards NTE $90K. Responses due 9/3/09. For more info, contact sbir@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/sbir_rfa.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-SBIR-002363. (Grants.gov 6/10/09)
29) Critical Agricultural Materials
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Critical Agricultural Materials Program. This program supports the development and demonstration of novel, environmentally friendly technologies for use in paints, coatings, and adhesives for composites. Priority will be given to proposals that include a life cycle analysis, comparing biobased products with a fossil-based counterparts, using the Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability model (BEES) developed by the NIST. $1 million expected to be available, up to 2 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/7/09. For more info, contact Carmela Bailey at cbailey@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/cam.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-OP-002325. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
30) Agriculture-Based Green Workforce Development
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the New Era Rural Technology Competitive Grants Program (RTP). This program supports technology development, applied research, and/or training, with a focus on rural communities, to aid in the development of a workforce for bioenergy, pulp and paper manufacturing, or agriculture-based renewable energy. $750K expected to be available, up to 25 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact RTP@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/new_era.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-RTP-002295. (Grants.gov 6/5/09)
31) Aquaculture - Utah
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Utah Conservation Innovation Aquaculture Grant Program for projects that stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies to aquaculture in Utah. $200K expected to be available, up to 4 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/17/09. For more info, contact Lisa Coverdale at lisa.coverdale@ut.usda.gov or go to: http://www.ut.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/CIG/cig-aquaculture.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-NRCS-UTAH-CIG-FY09-AQUACULTURE. (Grants.gov 5/11/09)
32) Public Health & Sustainable Water Infrastructure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for Advancing Public Health Protection through Water Infrastructure Sustainability. Projects should clearly demonstrate an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach that leads to advances in design, operation, and management of the water infrastructure and should directly tie those advances to public health protection in conjunction with improving water efficiency and reducing energy requirements. $6 million expected to be available, up to 8 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/17/09. For more info, contact Angela Page at page.angelad@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2009/2009_star_water_infrastructure.html. Refer to Sol# EPA-G2009-STAR-F1. (Grants.gov 5/20/09)
33) Sustainable Practices and Regional Priorities – Region 8
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, requests proposals for the Sustainable Practices and Regional Priorities Grant Program. This RFP will support the following areas: 1) Source Reduction Assistance Program; 2) The Strategic Agricultural Initiative; 3) The Resource Conservation Challenge Grant Initiative; and 4) The School Chemical Cleanout Campaign (for Tribes only). Projects must take place in CO, MT, ND, SD, UT or WY. $246K expected to be available, up to 4 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/29/09. For more info, contact r8cfp@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/region8/grants/. Refer to Sol# EPA-R8-2009-010. (Grants.gov 5/20/09)
34) Environmental Finance Center Grant Program
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) Grant Program. Under this program, EFC’s will be established across the nation to provide regulated parties with finance-related training, technical assistance, finance studies, and other analytical support to help them develop solutions to the critical “how-to-pay” issues associated with meeting environmental goals. $24 million expected to be available, up to 10 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/15/09. For more info, contact Timothy McProuty at efcgrant@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/efinpage/efcgrants/index.htm. Refer to Sol# EPA-OCFO-CEF-09-01. (Grants.gov 5/28/09)
35) Reducing Childhood Lead Poisoning
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for Targeted Grants to Reduce Childhood Lead Poisoning. This RFP will support activities to reduce incidences of childhood lead poisoning in vulnerable populations. $1 million expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/14/09. For more info, including Regional contacts, go to: http://epa.gov/lead/pubs/rfp20090513.pdf. Refer to Sol# EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-06. (Grants.gov 5/15/09)
36) Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requests proposals for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program. This program supports urban jurisdictions with the greatest lead-based paint hazard control needs, in undertaking programs for the identification and control of lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned rental and owner-occupied housing units. $117 million expected to be available, individual awards NTE $7.07 million. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Bill Nellis at (202) 402-7686 or go to: http://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa09/grpleadcombo.cfm. Refer to Sol# FR-5300-N-06. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
37) Greening High Schools
The Student Conservation Association requests proposals for the Green Your School Contest. This is a national competition that awards projects that have, or will, improve the environmental health of the school. $10K available, 3 awards anticipated. Responses due 10/9/09. For more info, go to: http://www.thesca.org/green-your-school. (Foundation Center RFP Bulletin 5/29/09)
The Rest @ North Carolina State University
The RFPs created or supplemented as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) are identified in the RFP titles.
The Recovery homepage (http://www.recovery.gov/) has links to State-level Recovery sites where you may be able to track down some sub-grantee opportunities. Washington State’s Recovery site does an outstanding job showing where WA Recovery funds are going and who to contact for more info. Here’s a link to all of the State sites: http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/state-recovery-page.
1) Renewables and Energy Efficiency Improvements
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements. This program will provide support to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements. $51.6 million expected to be available, up to 1,100 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/31/09. For more info, including Regional contacts, go to: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-12178.pdf. Refer to Sol# RDBCP-09-REAP-RES-EEI. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
2) Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for Renewable Energy Feasibility Grants. This program will provide support to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to conduct feasibility studies for renewable energy systems. $6 million expected to be available, up to 150 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/31/09. For more info, including state specific contacts, go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?oppId=47628&mode=VIEW. Refer to Sol# RDBCP-09-REAP-FEASIBILITY. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
3) High Penetration Solar Deployment – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for High Penetration Solar Deployment. The objectives of this RFP are to: 1) Develop the needed modeling tools and database of experience with high penetration scenarios of PV on a distribution system, 2) Develop monitoring, control and integration systems to enable cost-effective widespread deployment of small modular PV systems, and 3) Demonstrate the integration of PV and energy storage into Smart Grid applications. $17.5 million expected to be available, up to 13 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/30/09. For more info, contact Andrea Lucero at Andrea.Lucero@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47579. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000085. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
4) Solar Market Transformation - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Solar Market Transformation. The overall goal of this initiative is to increase the quality and availability of instruction relating to the installation of PV and solar heating and cooling systems (SHC). Areas of interest include: 1) Addressing workforce development needs of the solar industry, both for grid-tied PV systems in residential, commercial, and utility markets, and for SHC systems. 2) For Solar America Cities (designated via DOE RFPs in FY07 and FY08) to scale-up innovative programs and concepts so they can be tested in a broader marketplace, and increase likelihood of replication in other U.S. cities. $20 million expected to be available, up to 31 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/30/09. For more info, contact Nancy Kiyota at nancy.kiyota@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47586. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000078. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
5) Smart Grid Interoperability Standards and Harmonization Effort
The U. S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology announces its intent to request proposals for Support of Smart Grid Interoperability Standards and Harmonization Effort. Work will support NIST in coordinating the development and harmonization of standards to enable widespread deployment of an interoperable and secure Smart Grid (SG). As part of this requirement, the Contractor will be required to engage all relevant SG stakeholders to ensure credible results. The RFP will be posted on or about 6/20/09. For more info, contact Joseph Widdup at joseph.widdup@nist.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=5b6e4ec676429e89839caded727c4848&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# SB1341-09-RP-0070. (FBO 6/5/09)
6) Wind Energy Consortia – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Wind Energy Consortia between Institutions of Higher Learning and Industry. Areas of intrest include 1) Partnerships for Wind Research and Turbine Reliability, and 2) Wind Energy Research Development. $24 million expected to be available, up to 2 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/29/09. For more info, contact Sara Wilson at sara.wilson@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47732. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000090. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
7) Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Consortia
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Initiative Supporting Consortium. The intent of this initiative is to establish a Supporting Consortium (SC) representing commercial building design, equipment, operation, finance, and other groups. The main goal of the SC is to collect information on current and next generation technologies for individual components and systems to provide a knowledge base of information to industry in supporting DOE’s goal of establishing net-zero energy performance for all U.S. commercial buildings by 2050. $1 million expected to be available, 1 award anticipated. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Richard Rogus at rogus@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47706. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000105. (Grants.gov 6/1/09)
8)Ground Source Heat Pumps – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Geothermal Technologies Program: Ground Source Heat Pumps. Through this RFP, DOE seeks to increase the deployment of ground source heat pumps through new commercialization strategies that incorporate: 1) Innovative commercial-scale or residential community technology demonstration projects; 2) Data gathering and analysis related to system costs, performance, and installation techniques; and 3) A national GHP certification standard. $50 million expected to be available, up to 21 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/6/09. For more info, contact Genevieve Wozniak at genevieve.wozniak@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47731. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000116. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
9) Geothermal Technologies - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Geothermal Technologies Program for geothermal systems research, exploration, demonstration, and development. Areas of interest include: 1) Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies, 2) Geothermal Energy Production from Low Temperature Resources, Co-produced Fluids from Oil and Gas Wells, and Geopressured Resources, and 3) Geothermal Data Development, Collection, and Maintenance. $170 million expected to be available, up to 60 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/22/09. For more info, contact Genevieve Wozniak at genevieve.wozniak@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47584. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000109. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
10) Geothermal - CA
The Naval Air Warfare Center announces its intent to request proposal for geothermal investigations at China Lake, CA. The RFP will be issued on or about 6/22/09, responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Sue Casey at sue.casey@navy or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=63f04b8b682a086a0c1592e216fe2a53&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# N6893609R0076. (FBO 6/7/09)
11) Energy Efficient ICT – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Energy Efficient Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Through this RFP, DOE seeks the development of new technologies to dramatically improve energy efficiency in ICT systems with an the emphasis on new technologies that can be commercialized within the next 3 - 5 five years, and to demonstrate through field testing highly energy efficient, emerging technologies that are ready for or are in the initial stage of commercial introduction. $50 million expected to be available, up to 15 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/21/09. For more info, contact Michael Schledorn at michael.schledorn@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47742. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000107. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
12) Industrial Energy Efficiency – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Deployment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems, District Energy Systems, Waste Energy Recovery Systems, and Efficient Industrial Equipment. This RFP will enable deployment of industrial technologies that provide 25% or greater improvement in energy efficiency over the currently-utilized equipment. The amount of funding available and number of awards anticipated not available at the time of this writing. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Debra Ball at ball@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47763. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000044. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
13) Industrial Energy Efficiency Grand Challenge
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Grand Challenge. This RFP will support the development of transformational industrial processes and technologies that reduce the energy intensity or greenhouse gas emissions of the system by a minimum of 25 percent while providing a return on investment of 10 percent or greater. $15 million expected to be available, up to 50 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/14/09. For more info, contact Michael Schledorn at michael.schledorn@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47812. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000113. (Grants.gov 6/4/09)
14) Combined Heat and Power
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Combined Heat and Power Systems Technology Development and Demonstration. Areas of interest include: 1) Large CHP Systems - less than or equal to 20 MW, 2) Medium - less than or equal to 1MW to less than 20 MW, and 3) Small - less than or equal to 5kW to less than 1 MW. Demonstrations should be aimed at accelerating the project development process through collaborative partnerships with key industry partners. $40 million expected to be available, up to 30 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/7/09. For more info, contact Juliana Heynes at heynes@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47858. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000016. (Grants.gov 6/8/09)
15) Demonstration of Integrated Biorefinery Operations - Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Demonstration of Integrated Biorefinery Operations. Through this RFP, DOE will select integrated biorefinery projects that have the necessary technical and economic performance data that validates their readiness for the next level of scale-up. $480 million expected to be available, up to 15 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/30/09. For more info, contact Hank Eggink at hank.eggink@go.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47227. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000096. (Grants.gov 5/6/09)
16) Biomass Plant - Texas
The U.S. Department of the Air Force announces its intent to seek a power purchase agreement for renewable energy from a biomass energy plant. This plant will be contractor funded, designed, constructed, operated and maintained on Dyess Air Force Base, TX, under a utility service contract. The facility will be fueled from municipal solid waste and/or biomass. The minimum size plant contemplated is 2 MW. The RFP will be issued on or about 7/15/09. For more info, contact Ronald Miller at ronald.miller@dyess.af.mil or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=1c3f01b261114a0bc1f5b01bc76e51ae&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# Dyess-Biomass-Plant-09-0001. (FBO 5/29/09)
17) Efficient Trucks and Light Duty Vehicles – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Systems Level Technology Development, Integration, and Demonstration for Efficient Class 8 Trucks and Advanced Technology Powertrains for Light-Duty Vehicles. Through this RFP, DOE seeks the development and demonstration of a 50% improvement in overall freight efficiency on a heavy-duty Class 8 tractor-trailer measured in ton-miles per gallon, and to accelerate the development of cost-competitive engine and powertrain systems for light-duty vehicles capable of attaining breakthrough thermal efficiencies while meeting future emissions standards. $240 million expected to be available, up to 11 awards anticipated. Responses due 9/9/09. For more info, contact Meghaan Hampton at Meghaan.Hampton@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47867. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000079. (Grants.gov 6/9/09)
18) Innovative Transportation - California
The California Energy Commission requests proposals for the Energy Innovations Small Grant Transportation Program. Areas of interest include Vehicle Technologies, and Transportation Systems. Individual hardware projects NTE $95K, modeling projects NTE $50K. Responses due 7/23/09. For more info, go to: http://www.energy.ca.gov/contracts/smallgrant/index.html. Refer to Sol# 09-01T.
19) DOD PV
The U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Distribution Depot San Joaquin, Tracy, California, seeks a10-year photovoltaic solar power purchase agreement. Total contract quantity is 12,200,000 kWh. Responses due 7/28/09. For more info, contact Tuan Trau at Tuan.Trau@dla.mil or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=2a4f69cdef755b0e5bf4c869006e5f71&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# SP0600-09-R-0402. (FBO 6/12/09)
20) GSA - RECs
The U.S. General Services Administration requests proposals for renewable energy certificates (RECs) for GSA Regions and other Federal agencies to comply with Federal requirements. GSA seeks pricing for a total of 150,000 to 400,000 MWhs of RECs produced from renewable resources that became operational after January 1, 1999. Responses due 7/9/09. For more info, contact Ken Shutika at ken.shutika@gsa.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c73825a34796eba1c2e2037477717f7c&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# GS-00P-09-BSD-0682. (FBO 6/5/09)
21) PV Federal Prisons Industries
Federal Prison Industries seeks Integrator and Financing Services for Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Systems, for work to include, but not limited to, the design, construction, supplies and financing for Turnkey photovoltaic systems, or any part or component thereof. Responses due 7/6/09. For more info, contact Staci Card at scard@central.unicor.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=a5f389aa6170a4a5c515c244bc545363&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# EP2557-09. (FBO 6/3/09)
22) PV- Montana
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks service to provide all equipment, labor, and material required to install a grid tied 20KW Nominal Photovoltaic System at the Ennis National Fish Hatchery, located in SW Montana. Responses due 7/10/09. For more info, contact Jon Morse at jon_morse@fws.gov or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=34692b4f5b4d570869ed8ca647ac230c&tab=core&_cview=0. Refer to Sol# 60181RR003. (FBO 5/29/09)
23) PV- Montana
The Western Montana Acquisition Zone seeks a contract for solar systems to generate power at the Missoula Technology Development Center and the Aerial Fire Depot, located in Missoula, MT. Responses due 7/1/09. For more info, contact Dale Reckley at dreckley@fs.fed.us or go to: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=331b7d43436c3b7491b93290dfd4780b&tab=core&_cview=. Refer to Sol# AG-03R6-S-09-0076. (FBO 5/29/09)
24) Renewables - California
The Marin Energy Authority seeks 170 MW of renewable energy resources. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Jamie Tuckey at jtuckey@co.marin.ca.us or go to: http://www.marinenergyauthority.org/. (Green Power Network 5/12/09)
25) Global Climate Change Education
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) requests applications for Global Climate Change Education (GCCE): Research Experience, Teaching and Learning. Each funded proposal is expected to make use of NASA’s unique contributions in climate science to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage their students. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 1) Global Climate Change Science Research Experiences for Undergraduate or Community College Students, and 2) Improving Teacher Competency for Global Climate Change Education. $8 million expected to be available, up to 25 awards anticipated. Notice of Intent to apply due 7/2/09, final proposals due 8/3/09. For more info, contact Lin Chambers at gcce-questions@lists.nasa.gov or go to: http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={6950C5E7-9903-AFEA-2AB0-A839C6F510B4}&path=open. Refer to Sol# NNL09ZB1005C. (Grants.gov 5/27/09)
26) Carbon Capture and Sequestration – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use. The industrial sources include, but are not limited to, cement plants, chemical plants, refineries, steel and aluminum plants, manufacturing facilities, and power plants using fuels such as petroleum coke and municipal waste. $1.421 billion expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/7/09. For more info, contact Raymond Johnson at johnson@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47854. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000015. (Grants.gov 6/8/09)
27) Regional Sequestration Technology Training – Recovery Act
The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Regional Sequestration Technology Training. This initiative will support the development of regional training that facilitates transfer of knowledge and technologies required for site development, operations, and monitoring of CCS technologies. $6.970 million expected to be available, up to 7 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/22/09. For more info, contact Michael DeStefano at Michael.DeStefano@netl.doe.gov or go to: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=47720. Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000080. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Small Business Innovation Research Program – Phase I. SBIR supports U.S. owned, small business R&D projects that address important problems facing American agriculture and have the potential to lead to significant public benefit if the research is successful. Research areas include, but are not limited to: Biofuels and Biobased Products; Air, Water, and Soils; Rural Development; Aquaculture; and Animal Manure Management. $18.5 million expected to be available, individual awards NTE $90K. Responses due 9/3/09. For more info, contact sbir@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/sbir_rfa.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-SBIR-002363. (Grants.gov 6/10/09)
29) Critical Agricultural Materials
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Critical Agricultural Materials Program. This program supports the development and demonstration of novel, environmentally friendly technologies for use in paints, coatings, and adhesives for composites. Priority will be given to proposals that include a life cycle analysis, comparing biobased products with a fossil-based counterparts, using the Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability model (BEES) developed by the NIST. $1 million expected to be available, up to 2 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/7/09. For more info, contact Carmela Bailey at cbailey@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/cam.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-OP-002325. (Grants.gov 6/2/09)
30) Agriculture-Based Green Workforce Development
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the New Era Rural Technology Competitive Grants Program (RTP). This program supports technology development, applied research, and/or training, with a focus on rural communities, to aid in the development of a workforce for bioenergy, pulp and paper manufacturing, or agriculture-based renewable energy. $750K expected to be available, up to 25 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact RTP@csrees.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/new_era.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-CSREES-RTP-002295. (Grants.gov 6/5/09)
31) Aquaculture - Utah
The U.S. Department of Agriculture requests proposals for the Utah Conservation Innovation Aquaculture Grant Program for projects that stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies to aquaculture in Utah. $200K expected to be available, up to 4 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/17/09. For more info, contact Lisa Coverdale at lisa.coverdale@ut.usda.gov or go to: http://www.ut.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/CIG/cig-aquaculture.html. Refer to Sol# USDA-NRCS-UTAH-CIG-FY09-AQUACULTURE. (Grants.gov 5/11/09)
32) Public Health & Sustainable Water Infrastructure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for Advancing Public Health Protection through Water Infrastructure Sustainability. Projects should clearly demonstrate an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach that leads to advances in design, operation, and management of the water infrastructure and should directly tie those advances to public health protection in conjunction with improving water efficiency and reducing energy requirements. $6 million expected to be available, up to 8 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/17/09. For more info, contact Angela Page at page.angelad@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2009/2009_star_water_infrastructure.html. Refer to Sol# EPA-G2009-STAR-F1. (Grants.gov 5/20/09)
33) Sustainable Practices and Regional Priorities – Region 8
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, requests proposals for the Sustainable Practices and Regional Priorities Grant Program. This RFP will support the following areas: 1) Source Reduction Assistance Program; 2) The Strategic Agricultural Initiative; 3) The Resource Conservation Challenge Grant Initiative; and 4) The School Chemical Cleanout Campaign (for Tribes only). Projects must take place in CO, MT, ND, SD, UT or WY. $246K expected to be available, up to 4 awards anticipated. Responses due 6/29/09. For more info, contact r8cfp@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/region8/grants/. Refer to Sol# EPA-R8-2009-010. (Grants.gov 5/20/09)
34) Environmental Finance Center Grant Program
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) Grant Program. Under this program, EFC’s will be established across the nation to provide regulated parties with finance-related training, technical assistance, finance studies, and other analytical support to help them develop solutions to the critical “how-to-pay” issues associated with meeting environmental goals. $24 million expected to be available, up to 10 awards anticipated. Responses due 7/15/09. For more info, contact Timothy McProuty at efcgrant@epa.gov or go to: http://www.epa.gov/efinpage/efcgrants/index.htm. Refer to Sol# EPA-OCFO-CEF-09-01. (Grants.gov 5/28/09)
35) Reducing Childhood Lead Poisoning
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for Targeted Grants to Reduce Childhood Lead Poisoning. This RFP will support activities to reduce incidences of childhood lead poisoning in vulnerable populations. $1 million expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 8/14/09. For more info, including Regional contacts, go to: http://epa.gov/lead/pubs/rfp20090513.pdf. Refer to Sol# EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-06. (Grants.gov 5/15/09)
36) Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requests proposals for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program. This program supports urban jurisdictions with the greatest lead-based paint hazard control needs, in undertaking programs for the identification and control of lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned rental and owner-occupied housing units. $117 million expected to be available, individual awards NTE $7.07 million. Responses due 7/20/09. For more info, contact Bill Nellis at (202) 402-7686 or go to: http://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa09/grpleadcombo.cfm. Refer to Sol# FR-5300-N-06. (Grants.gov 5/29/09)
37) Greening High Schools
The Student Conservation Association requests proposals for the Green Your School Contest. This is a national competition that awards projects that have, or will, improve the environmental health of the school. $10K available, 3 awards anticipated. Responses due 10/9/09. For more info, go to: http://www.thesca.org/green-your-school. (Foundation Center RFP Bulletin 5/29/09)
The Rest @ North Carolina State University
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