Green Ocean Energy Ltd

Green Ocean Energy has a device to add to wave energy generation to ocean based wind turbins.

[This from their website]

Wave Treader has grown out of our work with Ocean Treader and uses it's Sponsons and Arms but this time they are mounted on the base of a static offshore structure, typically a Wind Turbine or Tidal Turbine. By sharing the high infrastructure costs with another device, such as the foundation costs, cabling costs, etc., the economics of both devices are enhanced and the energy yield for a given sea area greatly improved.

[Wave only device]

Ocean Treader is a floating device designed to be moored 1 – 2 miles offshore in ocean wave systems, and as such will be largely unobtrusive from the shoreline. The theory behind the machine has been proven in wave tank testing and we are now working towards developing a full size machine for offshore testing.

Wave Treader has grown out of our work with Ocean Treader and uses it's Sponsons and Arms but this time they are mounted on the base of a static offshore structure, typically a Wind Turbine or Tidal Turbine. By sharing the high infrastructure costs with another device, such as the foundation costs, cabling costs, etc., the economics of both devices are enhanced and the energy yield for a given sea area greatly improved.

Both devices are unique in their respective fields, are patent applied for, and are both highly cost effective.

Due to our background in the offshore oil and gas industry we are well aware of the challenges in deploying such machines and therefore from the outset they have been designed to satisfy the triplicate requirements of:

Efficiency : Reliability : Survivability

The full story at Green Ocean


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