Avim Solar Production Co. Ltd
The company celebrated the inauguration of the solar module production at avim solar production Co. Ltd. in the Chinese city of Gaomi (Shandong province). Both aleo solar AG and the Chinese Sunvim Group Co. Ltd. hold an interest of 50 percent each in the joint venture.
- The first of four production lines in Gaomi is already manufacturing aleo modules.
- In mid-2009, a production capacity of at least 50 megawatts will be available.
- Together with the parent factory in Prenzlau (Brandenburg) and the Spanish production facility near Barcelona, this will bring the total capacity of aleo solar AG to 250 megawatts in 2009.
- Certified by VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik e.V. (VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies), all three production plants manufacture aleo modules in the highest quality.
avim solar production Co. Ltd. is one of only a few Sino-German joint ventures that managed to launch production in the very year it was founded. "At record speed, aleo solar and its partner have newly established production in just seven months," Jakobus Smit, CEO of aleo solar AG, said with delight. "We have banked on the highest level of technology and used the equipment of specialized German and Swiss manufacturers."
Rigui Sun, CEO of Sunvim, said: "For Sunvim, getting into the production of solar modules means a strategic diversification into the new and future-oriented business field of renewable energies.
- In this joint venture, we will benefit from the expertise of aleo solar as a premium module manufacturer. We will contribute our experience as a large, established company in China in return. We know that in China a domestic product with German quality standards is in great demand."
- On the occasion of the opening, the Shandong government has declared the Gaomi industrial area "the photovoltaics industry park of the Shandong province." Given the high demand for energy in China, the government assigns special importance to fully tapping all energy sources in order to meet this demand.
- This policy was established in a government white paper in late 2007. According to it, the share of renewable energies in total energy consumption is to increase to ten percent by 2010 and 15 percent by 2020.
- As a first step, one of the decisions of the Chinese government was to expand the photovoltaics output installed nationwide to a remarkable 300 megawatts by 2010.
- In two Chinese provinces, feed-in tariffs based on the European model are already being tested. The solar modules produced in Gaomi will be sold exclusively by aleo solar AG. As a result, aleo solar AG will be able to participate in the market growth in both the European core markets and the Asian markets of the future.
Please download photos of the inauguration from here: http://www.aleo-solar.de/en-presse/press-photos.html
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