
Showing posts from February, 2009

30% Invetment Tax Credit to Manufacturers of Micro Turbines, Fuel Cells, bi Fuel Refineries

Signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, President Barack Obama has included a new tax credit to encourage investment in efficient energy production equipment manufacturing facilities. A new 30% investment tax credit is available for projects that establish, re-equip or expand manufacturing facilities for fuel cells, micro-turbines, renewable fuel refineries and blending facilities, energy saving technologies, smart grid technologies and solar, wind and geothermal technologies. In addition, as part of the Act, close to $17 billion of funding for the Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The funding is a nearly tenfold increase for EERE, which is expected to use the bulk of the new funding in direct grants and rebates, although $2.5 billion will support its applied research, development and deployment activities, including $800 million for biomass. A further $400 million will support the establishment of an agency to suppo...

Geothermal Map, Texas


Geothermal Energy Band Map Texas


2008 Weatherization Assistance Program

The US Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistane Program 2008 Weatherization Assistance Click on the links below to download a PDF of each section. Here is a Fact Sheet Programs by State Here is a list of Texas Programs, seachable By Utilities Table of Contents 1. Program Overview This section provides an Executive Summary of the Weatherization Assistance Program, as well as a Legislative and Regulatory Timeline since the Program's inception. 2. Program Funding This section includes information on funding, state start and end dates, state allocations, how the allocation formula works, as well as the 1995 Federal Register 10 CFR Part 440 ruling. 3. Training and Technical Assistance Click the link above to view activities taking place at DOE Headquarters, as well as in the PMC field offices. This section also includes information on what audit tools states are using and identifies those that use a priority list. 4. New Initiatives This section addresses: Lead Safe Weatheriz...

National Wind Solutions forms "Zero Emissions Fuel Cell" Company

Feb 9, 2009 National Wind Solutions, Inc. ( NWND ) announced today that it has purchased an option to acquire a breakthrough new fuel cell technology developed by one of America’s major research universities. The acquisition of this technology is expected to be completed in about 30 days, and will be the cornerstone of NWND’s recently formed subsidiary, Zero Emissions Fuel Cell, Inc. ( ). Fuel cells promise clean, efficient power for both home and transportation. While most fuel cell development has focused on automotive applications, NWND’s technology will be aimed at delivering power to homes and businesses. The technology will allow users to meet their complete electrical needs using natural gas to drive the fuel cell. Natural gas is a readily available, environmentally friendly domestic fuel source which will be an integral part of weaning the United States from our addiction to foreign oil. More than 65 million residences and businesses in the U...

Massachusetts to Spend 50 Million on Clean Energy Sector

On Tuesday, Massachusetts House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi will announce a proposal for a five-year, $50 million spending program designed to boost the state’s clean energy sector, mainly by providing seed grants for early-stage technologies, retraining experienced entrepreneurs from other industries to navigate the energy business, and overhauling vocational-ed programs. Investors and executives are greeting the proposal as a breakthrough for the clean energy business in Massachusetts. But to raise money for the program, DiMasi proposes taking money away from an existing renewable energy program, funded by a surcharge on residential ratepayers’ electric bills, that supports construction of solar, wind, and hydropower facilities through grants and rebates. The Rest of the Article from Xconomy


The WeatherTRAK solution from HydroPoint eliminates landscape overwatering, delivering value faster than any other clean technology. [ Put in basic information about your lot, and the system wirelessly gathers weather data to schedule on-demand irrigation... Editor] Calculate your savings with Smart Water Management Landscapes consume 58% of urban water, and are overwatered by 30-to-300%. Add to that, water rates are rising by an average of 43% across North America. But the real cost of overwatering — property destruction, water runoff and liabilities — is 5-to-10 times as high as water bills. The WeatherTRAK solution from HydroPoint eliminates landscape overwatering, delivering value faster than any other clean technology. Corporate Office: 1720 Corporate Circle Petaluma, CA 94954USA Toll-free: 800.362.8774Fax: 707.769.9695

Final Stimulus Language - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy'

For an additional amount for `Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy', $16,800,000,000: Provided, That $3,200,000,000 shall be available for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants for implementation of programs authorized under subtitle E of title V of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17151 et seq.), of which $2,800,000,000 is available through the formula in subtitle E: Provided further, That the Secretary may use the most recent and accurate population data available to satisfy the requirements of section 543(b) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: Provided further, That the remaining $400,000,000 shall be awarded on a competitive basis: Provided further, That $5,000,000,000 shall be for the Weatherization Assistance Program under part A of title IV of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6861 et seq.): Provided further, That $3,100,000,000 shall be for the State Energy Program authorized under part D of tit...

Green Vendors Need to Know How the Stimulus Money Will be Spent

The Associated General Contractors of America (commercial Construction Professional Organization ) did a Great Analysis of the Stimulus bill, where it is going and how to access it.

NAHB Responds to the Stimulus

The $787 billion economic stimulus package signed into law on Feb. 17 by President Barack Obama contains elements that will bolster housing and the economy, according to NAHB. “While we believe that including a more enhanced home buyer tax credit in the final legislation would have been the best way to spur housing demand and move the economy forward, the new law does include several provisions that should help to put housing and the economy on the right track,” said NAHB Chairman Joe Robson. Chief among these is an $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit for qualified home purchases in 2009. To encourage prospective home buyers to get off the fence, the tax credit: Does not have to be repaid Is fully refundable Will remain in effect until Dec. 1, 2009 so that consumers can utilize it during the critical summer and fall home-buying months Allows tax credit home buyers to participate in the mortgage revenue bond program Permits state housing finance agencies to help buyers at closing b...

Algae Most Promising Biofuel


Renewable Energy Certificates ( RECs)

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), also known as Green tags, Renewable Energy Credits, or Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs), are tradable environmental commodities in the United States which represent proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was renewable (generated from an eligible renewable energy resource). These certificates can be sold and traded and the owner of the REC can claim to have purchased renewable energy. While traditional carbon emissions trading programs promote low-carbon technologies by increasing the cost of emitting carbon, RECs can incentivize carbon-neutral renewable energy by providing a production subsidy to electricity generated from renewable sources. It is important to understand that the energy associated with a REC is sold separately and is used by another party. The consumer of a REC receives only a certificate. In states which have a REC program, a green energy provider (such as a wind farm) is credited with one REC for every 1,000 kWh...


WIND ENERGY GROWS BY RECORD 8,300 MW IN 2008 Smart policies, stimulus bill needed to maintain momentum in 2009 The U.S. wind energy industry shattered all previous records in 2008 by installing 8,358 megawatts (MW) of new generating capacity (enough to serve over 2 million homes), the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) said today, even as it warned of an uncertain outlook for 2009 due to the continuing financial crisis. The massive growth in 2008 swelled the nation’s total wind power generating capacity by 50% and channeled an investment of some $17 billion into the economy, positioning wind power as one of the leading sources of new power generation in the country today along with natural gas, AWEA added. At year’s end, however, financing for new projects and orders for turbine components slowed to a trickle and layoffs began to hit the wind turbine manufacturing sector. “Our numbers are both exciting and sobering,” said AWEA CEO Denise Bode. “The U.S. wind energy industry’...

The Environmental Tracking Network (ETNNA)

is a voluntary association of certificate tracking systems, regulators and interested market participants that are vested in preventing double-counting and promoting harmonization among certificate tracking systems and emissions registries in North America. Such harmonization will encourage trade, create a common currency for certificates, prevent double counting, and support new and emerging markets. Visit U.S. DOE EERE Green

What will be in the Final Stimuls Bill? Here it is

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- U.S. lawmakers will vote soon on the compromise version of economic-stimulus legislation that President Barack Obama says will create or save 3.5 million jobs. Obama wants to quickly sign the legislation into law. The House and Senate are expected to vote on final passage before the long Presidents Day weekend. See full story. Here are some of the major features of the bill, which carries an overall cost of $789.5 billion. Tax cuts Reductions will total $282 billion, including payroll-tax credits of $400 for individuals and $800 for couples. About $70 billion has been earmarked to shield middle- and upper-income taxpayers from the alternative minimum tax. About $20 billion in renewable energy-tax incentives. Government spending Outlays will total $507 billion in spending including: $53.6 billion to help states avoid budget cuts. $87 billion to help states pay for Medicaid. $ 30 billion for a new power grid, battery technology and energy efficiency. The legis...

Renewabel Energy Part of the Stimuls Bill

THis is the House Bill H.R.1 These amounst may change as the House and Senete reconcile the bills ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Development, Demonstration and Deployment Recovery funding: $2.000 billion Renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development, demonstration and deployment can contribute to strengthening the United States' energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality. This funding provides for activities to support this goal, including $800 million for projects related to biomass and $400 million for geothermal activities and projects. The remaining $800 million will be used for base program activities, such as research and demonstrations for additional renewable energy technologies, including water power and solar energy, and energy efficiency demonstrations for industrial and commercial practices, such as combined heat and power projects. These funds may also be used to accelerate resear...

TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH,

The Kyoto Protocol’s joint implementation (JI) mechanism has accredited its first third party verifier, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH , whose job is to determine the acceptability of emission reduction projects and verify emission reductions achieved. Under JI, greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in countries with an emission reduction or limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol can generate saleable emission reduction units (ERUs), each equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide. Countries can purchase and surrender ERUs to meet a part of their commitment under the Protocol. To date, 170 projects in 12 countries have been submitted for public comment, the first step in the vetting process before projects undergo “determination” by an accredited entity underso-called JI Track 2. These 170 projects are expected to achieve around 300 million tonnes of emission reductions by the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. The mechanism is supervised by t...


Alcohol found in beer, wine, cider, spirits, and other alcoholic drinks. When pure, it is a colourless liquid with a pleasant odour, miscible with water or ether; It burns in air with a pale blue flame. The vapour forms an explosive mixture with air and may be used in high-compression internal combustion engines. It is produced naturally by the fermentation of carbohydrates by yeast cells. Industrially, it can be made by absorption of ethene and subsequent reaction with water, or by the reduction of ethanal (acetaldehyde) in the presence of a catalyst, and is widely used as a solvent. Ethanol is used as a raw material in the manufacture of ethoxyethane (ether), trichloroethanol (chloral), and triiodomethane (iodoform). It can also be added to petrol, where it improves the performance of the engine, or be used as a fuel in its own right (as in Brazil). In August 2001 it was discovered that when ethanol is added to petrol it boosts the oxygen content, reducing the emissions of air-pollu...

Stimulus Update -A "Triple Play"

A hefty portion of President Obama's $825 billion stimulus plan is aimed at generating a triple play for employment energy the environment: The House version of the bill, for example, would put more than $68 billion toward boosting America's green-tech sector, which could in turn reduce the average household's energy bill as well as our costly hunger for fossil fuels. But will the triple play pay off? Some folks on the sidelines worry that billions of dollars could be wasted on technological dead ends, while others complain that all this spending is just a greener shade of pork. The greening of American infrastructure Job No. 1 for the stimulus package, also known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act , is generating jobs. The plan would follow through on Obama's campaign promise to do that by putting billions toward the greening of the nation's infrastructure (which is in a pretty dark place right now). An analysis by the Center for American Progress ,...