Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG)
OREG The Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG) aligns industry, academia and government to ensure that Canada is a leader in providing ocean energy solutions to a world market. OREG is a national organization, with over 115 Canadian and international members. Ocean Energy Ocean Energy in Canada information pamphlet The term “ocean energy” is used to describe the harnessing of power found in ocean waves, tidal flows, and salinity and temperature gradients. Wave energy can be considered a concentrated form of solar energy. The sun's radiation heats the surface of the ocean creating wind, which in turn creates waves. Regions considered to have “good” wave energy resources are generally those found within 40 to 60 degrees of latitude, where the strongest winds are found. The largest waves are formed in regions where the wind blows over the water the furthest, the longest "fetch", often the west coasts of continents. Modern tidal technology developments are focusing on the har...